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  • Altitude strop
    The aerial sightseeing project, set challenging, participation, entertainment, has the characteristics of Jing, Qi, insurance, project design for one-way cable three, located in the upper bridge station, station located i…
  • Five Dragon - boat
    Five: is located in Longtan Longtan gap, gap due to there are five pools, especially as the party named in wulong. Five Longtan is quaternary deep canyon by artificial interception and water landscape. The lake surface le…
  • Cliff climbing
    The end of the canyon cliff climbing project is located in the "valley of dragons", is a clean, smooth, nearly vertical cliff slightly modified, and built a natural rock climbing cliff climbing ropes experience,…
  • High wire bridge
    Built in the cliff with a total length of 88 meters, 36 meters high altitude iron chain bridge, let visitors to experience the thrills of extreme events, physical endurance, courage, visitors are not a small test; in addi…
  • Water Park
    Water park is located in Longtan Grand Canyon in the ticket office recently at a free entertainment! There are 7 kinds of entertainment projects, including three jump is the most popular, especially when the weather is ho…

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